Baca Juga
We as often as possible cause these enchiladas when we to have organization over for supper, since everybody adores them! We generally serve them with mexican rice, natively constructed salsa, and a few tacos for a hard and fast Mexican supper!
Did you know I'm half Mexican? In light of that I've figured out how to make such a significant number of Mexican plans, one of those being the present Green Chile Chicken Enchiladas (we clearly love enchiladas and have adaptations for Red Cheese Enchiladas and Beef Enchiladas also).
Not exclusively are enchiladas so natural however they are so great and are a hit at any capacity! I likewise like that they are anything but difficult to make in mass amounts and are additionally great to make and stop for some other time.
This formula requires a couple of fixings, including:
- corn tortillas
- destroyed chicken
- acrid cream
- green chiles/bean stews
- cheddar
- Salt and pepper
- enchilada sauce – Las Palmas Mild Green Chili Sauce is our top choice, yet we likewise love natively constructed!
Ingredients :
- 2 c chicken cooked and shredded
- 2 c monterey jack cheese shredded
- 19 oz. Las Palmas green chile enchilada sauce
- 1 c sour cream
- 6-8 corn tortillas
- 4.5 oz can chopped green chiles
- salt and pepper
Instructions :
- In a small bowl, combine chicken, 1 cup cheese, green chiles, salt and pepper.
- In a small skillet, bring enchilada sauce to boil. Remove from heat.
- Dip each tortilla into heated sauce for a few seconds to soften.
- Spoon ? cup of chicken mixture and 2 tablespoons sour cream down center for each tortilla (I usually put the sour cream in a sandwich bag and cut the bottom tip which makes it easier to squirt right down the center)
- Roll the tortilla and place seam-side down in 8x8 (or 9x9) inch baking dish.
- Repeat with remaining tortillas. Pour remaining heated enchilada sauce over top. Sprinkle with remaining 1 cup cheese.
- Bake 20 minutes at 350.
For more detail :